Parkland Restoration

Perceptions of landscape alter through time, as does the fashion for landscape design. Many historic parklands around country houses or urban parks in our cities have been through various phases of remodelling and sometimes neglect. We research the evolution of these designed landscapes and help you to design a new or restored landscape which conserves or restores those elements of significance while creating the inspiration to help with new designs for the 21st century. We work with our trusted associates in landscape architecture, ecology and arboriculture to ensure that the significance of the park is fully understood and managed into the future. Our parkland restoration plans can also include fully costed capital items to help with agri-environment schemes or NHLF bids for funding.
To see examples of our work in parklands, see below or in our online library
Ormesby Hall Parkland (3 vols)
Blackwell Grange, Darlington (2 vols)